
We Can Be Heroes

I cannot help but notice that in the small villages throughout Southern Laos, there is a legion of future heroes. Yes, heroes and heroines, young boys and girls who run around unashamedly in their shirts, with capes attached.

As a young boy about 6 years old, I too wore a cape, as did my brother. Yet we used to fight and argue, because it was unthinkable to have two batmans. 


Yet we used to fight and argue, because it was unthinkable to have two batmans. Here, whether you have the cape or not, matters little. Batman, Superman and Spiderygirl are alive and well. Kids in Laos play just as we did over 50 years ago.

They play with sticks, marbles (and rubber bands when the marbles are lost) – they make use of whatever comes available. It may not be cowboys and indians, or cops and robbers, but its natural and creative. In daily life they interact with cows, buffaloes, goats, chickens and ducks, dogs and cats.

They know exactly where their meals come from, growing up in such rural communities. And kids with physical impairments are still part of the crew, included in whatever activities they can participate in. 

Are you a hero then? Are you a hero now? Or perhaps a heroine? What are your memories and thoughts?

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