I rose early with moon and stars still bright above me
The nearby trees were statues, silhouetted against a rose horizon
The air was still as I laboured my way to the peak
The trees below me now we’re green amid sand that bound their roots
Mountains beyond mountains were hazy blue with distance
A gentle breeze fingered a pink flowered shrub and set it nodding
And my conciousness floated away with its motion
I dreamed of my woman below me wrapped in blankets in bed
My thoughts turned amorous and I longed to be with her
A bird rushed past my ear and my dreams winged away
Wakefulness returned as the sun tore at the end of the night
It’s red fire touched tiny clouds and set them ablaze
With awe I watched as the massive red sphere rose majestic
And hung poised above the mountains in indecision
A cockatoo called out to it’s Creator and was answered
Together we saw the sun climb higher and relax to a golden glow
The dull sandstone turned yellow gold before my eyes
And I looked along its curve as it circled the plain
Upon which a monolith stood motionless, it’s shadow dark over the forest
The shadow was creeping quietly back to its maker, forever hiding from the moving sun
I stretched my gaze to the horizon and found it to be endless
The scene touched my senses and I gathered it’s colours
With which to paint it’s portrait and press it in my memory
In spirit I prayed for my lady, wishing for her presence
That together we might cry out our ecstasy from the mount
She waits with patience yonder and silently I move to meet her